This time last year an online quiz told me that my 2019 would be all about friendship. I don’t usually take these quiz’s and if I do I can’t say that I do take them all too seriously, although this time, were right!
We may have been friends for just five minutes. Or if you were a bride and groom just friends for the day, or maybe we kept in touch after the wrote me an email, sent me a card, or just said thank you at the end of your wedding day. Maybe you were a guest who asked how long I’d been working in wedding photography, or a caterer who offered me food, or another supplier who told me they like my work, or a venue who gave me paracetamol when I was feeling unwell.
Maybe you said hello to me when you were busy, you stopped to smile so that I could smile back. You made eye contact and gave me the opportunity to offer my friendship in return for yours. You showed me a part of you so that I could show you a part of me.
I truly believe that friendship is one of the greatest gifts we can offer one another, and I want to say thank you to all of you for letting me into your life, showing me a part of you and trusting me to see you, both on a professional and personal level, in every sense and in every circle that I have moved in.
If you offered your friendship to me, even if it for a short while, it meant the world, and it allows me to see.
This post would’t be complete without without including some images of some of the wonderful and inspiring people I have met this year, but it is mostly and above all a thank you, and a digital toast to friendship, and of course love…